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Enrollment Agreement

Enrollment Agreement Form
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Name Of Student
Select from the following sessions:

Definitions: In this Agreement, the words “we”, “our”, and “us” refer to (Stewart’s Barber
Academy). The words “you” and “yours” refer to the student.

You agree to pay tuition and fees as stated below and to comply with the rules and policies in the
current catalog. We agree to provide you with the instructions as stated above.



Registration Fee (nonrefundable)$500
Total Cost$15,738
  • The cost of the program does not include the state exam and application fees. The student
    will be responsible for additional fees.

2. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT(check one plan only)
Plan A: You agree to pay us the non-refundable registration fee of $500 and a down
payment of 50% of the remaining tuition or $7,619 at the time of the signing of this
Enrollment Agreement. You further agree to pay us before attending the first scheduled
class $7,619 which is the balance of the total amount to be paid by you.
Plan B: You agree to pay us the non-refundable registration fee of $500 and a down
payment of 20% of 15,238 of the remaining tuition or $3,047.60 at the time of the
signing of this Enrollment Agreement. You further agree to pay us 10 equal installments
of $1,219.04, the first one payable on /__/__/__, and such subsequent one due at the
scheduled class day and time until $12,190.40 which is the total amount to be paid by
you, is paid in full.
If you fail to make payment on the date payment is due, you will be charged a late fee of

Cash______ Credit Card______ Check______ Other(specify)_____

Methods and Means of Payment

Students can pay tuition, fees, kit, and book costs with cash, cashier’s check, Visa or
Mastercard, money orders, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) funds, Federal financial aid
funds, or another approved outside source. At any time during a student’s enrollment, SBA
reserves the right to suspend a student and require him or her to meet with a Financial Aid
Representative to discuss plans for payment to SBA. If a student’s financial aid and/or down
payment does not satisfy all charges identified in his/her Enrollment Contract, the student
must enter an approved payment plan with SBA. If SBA is unable to estimate a student’s
financial aid for every academic year associated with his/her program, the student may
choose to delay this decision until he/she is eligible to submit the appropriate application(s)
for aid. However, a student must pay all remaining balances due to SBA before his/her
completion of 90% of the barber program. If at any time during a student’s enrollment, a
student cannot secure funds to pay for the remaining balance due to SBA, his/her enrollment
will be suspended or terminated until funds can be secured or, subject to the discretion of
SBA, alternative payment arrangements, such as a promissory note, can be made with the

Federal Financial Aid

Federal financial aid programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of
1965 offer grants and loans to bridge the gap between what the student and family can
provide and what it will cost to attend SBA. An “academic year” at SBA is defined as 34
weeks and 1000 hours. Federal Pell Grant Federal Pell Grants are grants to help
undergraduate students pay for their education. These grants provide a “foundation” of
financial aid, to which aid from other Federal and non-federal sources may be added.
Unlike loans, grants do not have to be paid back. The Department of Education uses a
standard formula, revised, and approved every year by Congress, to evaluate the
information you report when you apply for a Pell Grant. The formula produces an
Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Your Student Aid Report (SAR) contains this
number and will tell you whether you are eligible for a Federal Pell Grant. The size of the
grant you receive will depend on your EFC number, how long you will be enrolled during
the academic year, and the cost of education at SBA. An “academic year” is defined as 34
weeks and 1000 hours. Many Student Loans rely on Federal government loans to finance
their education. These loans have low interest rates and do not require credit checks or
collateral. Student loans also provide a variety of deferment options and extended
repayment terms.

PLUS Loans

Parents of dependent students can take out loans to supplement their children’s aid
packages. The Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) allows parents to
borrow money to cover any costs not already covered by the student’s financial aid
package, up to the full cost of attendance. PLUS loans are either FFELP (provided by
private lenders, such as banks) or Direct (funds provided by the government). PLUS,
loans are the financial responsibility of the parents, not the student. If the student agrees
to make payments on the PLUS loan but fails to make the payments on time, the parents
will be held responsible. All applicants for Direct PLUS loans must complete counseling
on the U.S. Department of Education’s website, Parent PLUS Loan
borrowers cannot have an adverse credit history and will have to have a credit check
performed on them. A credit check for a PLUS loan applicant will remain valid for 180

The Return of Title IV Funds is NOT a Refund Policy.

When a Title IV grant or loan recipient withdraws during a payment period in which
he/she began attendance, SBA will determine the amount of grant and/or loan assistance
that the student earned as of his/her withdrawal date. This determination will be made
using the appropriate calculation as required by Federal regulations. In addition to those
Title IV recipients who officially withdraw, the calculation also will be used for Title IV
recipients who drop out or stop attending classes without officially withdrawing, and for
students whose enrollment is terminated by SBA within a payment period in which the
recipient began attendance. The calculation of earned Title IV funds includes the funds
from the applicable sources that were disbursed or could have been disbursed to a student
for the period for which the calculation is performed. Any student receiving Title IV
funds will be subject to these regulations.

Determination Date

In the event of an official withdrawal, the determination date shall be the date SBA
received notification of the withdrawal. In the event SBA terminates a student’s
enrollment, the determination date shall be the date SBA terminates the student’s
enrollment. In the event a student drops out or stops attending classes without officially
withdrawing, the determination date shall be no later than 14 days after the student’s last
date of attendance.

Calculation of Return

You must keep in mind that when you apply for financial aid, you sign a statement that
you will use the funds for educational purposes only. Therefore, if you cease attendance
before completing your program, a portion of the funds you received may have to be
returned. The school will calculate the amount of Federal aid the student has earned
according to the policies listed below. Title IV funds are offered to a student under the
assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the aid is
offered. When a student ceases attendance, the student may no longer be eligible for the
full amount of Title IV funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive.
Therefore, the amount of Federal grant or loan earned by the student must be determined.
If the amount disbursed to the student is greater than the amount the student earned,
unearned funds must be returned. The amount of Title IV aid earned is based on the
amount of time the student spent in academic attendance, and the total aid received; it has
no relationship to the student’s incurred institutional charges. Because these requirements
deal only with Title IV funds, the order of return of unearned funds does not include
funds from sources other than the Title IV programs. Up through the 60% point of
scheduled hours in each payment period, the required pro-rata calculation is used to
determine the amount of Title IV funds the student has earned at the time he/she ceased
attendance. After the 60% point of scheduled hours in the payment period, a student has
earned 100% of the Title IV funds credited to that payment period.

Order of Returns

Refunds are allocated in the following order:
• Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan
• Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan
• Federal Parent (PLUS) Loan
• Federal Pell Grant
• Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant
• Other Title IV assistance
• State Tuition Assistance Grants (if applicable)
• Private and institutional aid
• The student
No program will receive a return if the student did not receive aid from that program
within the applicable payment period.
Re-Entry Within 180 Days A student who re-enters within 180 days will be treated as if
he/she did not cease attendance. Upon the student’s return, SBA will restore the types and
amount of aid that the student was eligible for before the student ceased attendance and
schedule the appropriate disbursements.
Post-Withdrawal Disbursements If the total
amount of Title IV grant or loan assistance, or both, that the student earned is greater than
the total amount that was disbursed to the student (or on behalf of the student in the case
of a PLUS loan), as of the date of determination, the difference between these amounts
must be treated as a post-withdrawal disbursement. A post-withdrawal disbursement will
be made from available grant funds before available loan funds. If outstanding charges
exist on the student’s account, SBA will credit the student’s account up to the amount of
outstanding charges with all or a portion of any:
• Grant funds that make up the post-withdrawal disbursement to satisfy appropriate
institutional charges.
• Loan funds that make up the post-withdrawal disbursement to satisfy appropriate
institutional charges only after obtaining confirmation from the student (or parent in the
case of a parent PLUS loan) that he/she still wishes to have the loan funds disbursed.
Deferments Borrowers who meet the following criteria may be eligible for deferment of
part or all of their student loans. Students may defer repayment of their loan(s) while they
are: Armed Forces: On active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States. (Maximum
eligibility is three (3) years; this is a combined limit with Public Health Service and
NOAA deferments.) To qualify, you must: (1) be on active duty in the Army, Navy, Air
Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, and (2) provide your loan holder with copies of
your military identification and orders. Note: Borrowers enlisted in a reserve component
of the Armed Forces or the National Guard (while on active-duty status in the Army or
Air Force Reserve) may qualify for this deferment only if: (1) serving full-time for a
period expected to last at least one year, or (2) serving under an order for national
mobilization. Public Health Service: Serving full-time as an officer in the Commissioned
Corps of the Public Health Service. (Maximum eligibility is three (3) years; this is a
combined limit with Armed Forces and NOAA deferments.) Peace Corps: Serving in the
Peace Corps. (Maximum eligibility is three (3) years.) To qualify, you must have agreed
to serve for at least one year. Note: You may provide your loan holder with
documentation of the beginning and expected ending dates of your service in the Peace
Corps. This documentation must be signed and dated by an authorized Peace Corps
official. Action Programs: A full-time paid volunteer in the Action Programs. (Maximum
eligibility is three (3) years.) To qualify, you must have agreed to serve for at least one
year. Volunteers: A full-time paid volunteer for a Tax-Exempt Organization. (Maximum
eligibility is three years.) To qualify, you must: (1) be serving full-time in an organization
that has a tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986;
(2) assist low-income people and their communities in eliminating poverty and
poverty-related human, social, and environmental conditions; (3) not earn more than the
Federal minimum wage; however, you may receive fringe benefits like those received by
other employees of the organization; (4) not engage in religious instruction, proselytizing,
fund-raising to support religious activities, or conduct worship services as part of your
duties; and (5) have agreed to serve for at least one year. NOAA: On active duty in the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (Maximum eligibility is
three (3) years; this is a combined limit with Armed Forces and Public Health Service
Deferments.) Federal PLUS Loans made on or after August 15, 1983, and Federal
Consolidation Loans do not qualify for these deferments. The NOAA Deferment is
available only to Federal Stafford and SLS loan borrowers whose first loans were made
on or after July 1, 1987, and before July 1993, or borrowers who had a balance on a loan
that was made before July 1, 1993, at the time a loan was disbursed on or after July 1, To qualify for any of the deferments listed above: You must have an outstanding balance on a FFEL Program loan that was made before July 1, 1993, or you must have had an outstanding balance on a FFEL Program loan made before July 1, 1993, when you obtained a loan disbursed on or after July 1, 1993. If you are a Federal PLUS Loan borrower, (1) you are not eligible for the NOAA Deferment, and (2) you are eligible for the Armed Forces, Public Health Service, Peace Corps, ACTION Programs, and Tax-Exempt Organization Deferments only if your first loan was made before August 15, 1983 You are eligible for the NOAA Deferment only if you are a Federal Stafford or SLS loan borrower whose first loan was made on or after July 1, 1987, and before July 1, 1993.

Costs for Transfers

If a student has recognized transfer hours from another school, he/she will be charged a
prorated portion of the program tuition. This prorated amount will be calculated by dividing
the total number of hours the student needs for licensure by the total amount of hours for the
full program. This percentage will then be multiplied by the total amount of tuition for the
full program. Transfer requests are made to a Student Services Representative. Transferring
students will be charged a $100 transfer fee.


By signing below, you and your parent or guardian (required if you are under the age of majority
at the time of signing) agree to the terms and conditions of the Enrollment Agreement. Each
person who signs below also acknowledges receipt of a copy of the current catalog and a
completely filled-in copy of the Agreement. You also acknowledge that you have been allowed
to read, and have read and understood, the catalog and this agreement.

Your Signature______________________________________________ Date________________________

Signature of Parent or Guardian________________________________ Date________________________

Signature of School Official___________________________________ Date________________________
