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Stewart’s Barber Academy
55 Wintonbury Mall, Park Ave Bloomfield, CT
School Phone Number (860)904-7652

Student Name __________________________Student ID ____________
DOB ______________Phone Number ________________________
Address _______________City __________________
State __________________Zip Code _____________
Program Name: Barber SchoolStart Date:____________Expected End Date:__________
Status:___________Grad Date:____________Withdrawal Date:___________
Last Date Attended:_____________Session:______________Termination Date:___________
Course NameGradeTheory Clock HoursPractical Clock HoursTotal Clock Hours Date
Sanitation & Hygiene
Hygiene and good grooming
Sanitation procedures
Universal Precautions/ Infection Control
Anatomy and Physiology
Properties and Disorders of the Skin
Properties and Disorders of the Hair and Scalp
Hair Care and Treatment
Shampoos and Rinses
Scalp and Hair Care
Skin Care/Facials and Manicuring
Hair Shaping, Styling, and Shaving
Hair Cutting
Hair Styling/Care and Care
Business and Professional Relations
Professional attitude/ethics and sales technique
Salon management
Safety Measures/Client Protection
State laws, rules, regulations concerning barbering,
and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
guidelines for employment
Overall Clock Hours Completed:

Grading Scale

Letter GradeGrade RangeProgress
A90-100Above Average